Tips to Alleviate Dry Skin

Dry, itchy skin is a frustrating problem that many people struggle to solve. We have always been told about the significance of moisturizing the skin to maintain a healthy and glowing look. Using the right kinds of lotions and creams can be effective. To help you combat dry skin problems, we have listed the most effective measure for all skin types.

No Hot Showers

Hot showers are very relaxing, but they take a big toll on your skin. Hot water removes your skin’s natural oils and prevents it from staying moist.  Avoid using very hot water on your face. Your facial skin is even more delicate than the skin on your body. Wash your face carefully and keep the natural oils of the skin intact.

Gentle Cleansing

People often dry their skin by using harsh cleaning techniques and harmful chemical products. Do not scrub your skin with rough towels. Gently wash your body with clean hands.  These chemicals are highly toxic and rob the moisture off your skin. They also cause additional health issues. It is, therefore, best to avoid scented soaps and other facial and body cleansers when you start a dry skin treatment.

Sun Protection

Sun damage is a major cause of dry skin as well as more serious conditions such as skin cancer. It is important that you use sunblock whenever you go out into the sun, even during the winter. Carry an umbrella or a scarf when you go out during the daytime to avoid getting directly exposed to the sunlight. Also, applying a sunscreen lotion can be very useful in such cases as it will not only protect you from harsh rays but also moisturize your skin.

Apply moisturizer right after a bath

Your skin loses a lot of moisture when you wash it. To replenish the skin of the lost moisture and to make it soft and supple, apply a good moisturizer immediately after you take a bath. This is one of the best dry skin remedies. It can be hard to keep your skin in perfect condition all year long. However, you can fix most problems with dry skin by following these tips.

Use perfume-free cleansers

The fragrance in the cleansing products often comes from the addition of some harmful chemicals. These chemicals are highly toxic and rob the moisture off your skin. They also cause additional health issues. It is, therefore, best to avoid scented soaps and other facial and body cleansers when you start a dry skin treatment.

Always pat dry, never rub
Never make the mistake of rubbing your body or face dry with a towel. Always pat dry. Rubbing the skin will remove all the moisture from it and leave it flaky and itchy. Also, use a soft, cotton towel or washcloth to dry yourself. Skin care for dry skin involves being gentle and a towel that too of harsh material, can damage the skin even further. So get a soft towel and be gentle to your skin.
Dry skin can be a bane, but with this article, we hope that we have helped you with easy-to-use home remedies to treat your ‘dry as a desert’ face. Mitvana Stores sells herbal beauty products online which are currently selling in the international markets. Mitvana stores sell other products such as personal care products online, ayurvedic skin care products, natural skin care products and many more.
